Here’s one use for fake goods we can get behind. More than $3.6 million worth of counterfeit goods in the form of 109,300 pairs of shoes, 10,000 pants, and 2,592 sweaters were seized in the Los Angeles/Long Beach seaports, but instead of simply trashing the fakes, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection decided to donate the items to those in need. Now, a variety of organizations including World Vision International, Soles4Souls, Samaritan’s Feet, and Shelter Partnership are set to receive a major infusion of clothing contributions, which will provide for hundreds in need. It truly warms our hearts to think that, finally, someone has realizedf all the excess in the world can be used for good. It calls to mind the Wal-Mart,  H&M NY and Urban Outfitters drama from earlier this year, where the retailers were destroying/throwing away tons of unsold merchandise in their trash bins. Interestingly, all of the designers who were knocked off with these counterfeit items agreed to the donation, meaning fashion’s feeling especially altruistic lately.


Urban Outfitters' perfectly good trash ---->

By Bianca Posterli

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